
JESUS ​​ALGOVI He was born in Jerez (Cádiz) in 1968. He has lived in Seville since 1974.

His art multidisciplinary includes painting, sculpture, printmaking, installation, visual and sound poetry, land art and performance art (performance, happening and process art). It is one of the Andalusian artists of his generation with greater international experience. He has had solo exhibitions in galleries, museums or in International Contemporary Art Fair in Spain, Germany, Italy, Denmark, London, Miami, New York, Chicago, MAC (Valdivia) of Chile, and most recently in China.

Algovi fuses poetry with plastic. Deconstructs the signs of the text (capital letters) and these are the food that makes up the work itself. Make a work full of content, in which expresses the unrest, makes visible the ghosts of our society or the intimate field of emotions and finally gives them form in the object.

Degree of Fine Arts from the University of Seville (1985-1990).
Doctor in Fine Arts from the University of Seville (2010). Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis Award by the University of Seville. He has tried to combine (since 1990), his professional work with his teaching vocation. He founded and directed for two decades (1997/2016) the Art Center Direct Action (Independent School of Plastic Arts of Seville). He is a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Seville since 2010.

"Jesus Algovi is one of the young artists southern Spanish more serious, profound and prolific of the last generations. An artist who moves with great ease and ease in different aesthetic areas, mainly in painting, sculpture, writing, sound, installation, or actions.
Not attached to any particular artistic trend, far from fashions and aesthetic swift swings, Algovi has set an individual path of research and creation unattached, with a great deal of freedom and personal risk that has led him on several occasions, to critical position against some of the mainstream artistic trends that have prevailed in the art world and invaded the market. "
(Margarita Aizpuru. Text catalog of the Museum of Huelva. Year 2001).

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